Monday, November 17, 2014
Single Living Costs, Lower or Higher
"I don't have headache if I don't have a boyfriend, but I do have big big headache if I don't have money"
or in bahasa,
"gue ga pusing kalo ga punya pacar, tapi gue pusing kalo ga punya duit"
at some points I agree with it, yeah its easy to enjoy life no matter what your status is if you have money, moreover if you live in a big city like Jakarta, where daytime is never end.
Even some people are too afraid for getting married coz they are afraid of double costs effect.
ehmm sapa tuh yaaa ;p
Is marriage life will really causing you a double costs?
Is single life means lower costs?
If anybody ask my opinion, this is mine,
I am not going to use any complicated Economic theory, although I got an A score for Economy in the University, well it was the past, I might have better brain at that time, not now :D
I am not going to use the religion perspective too, again, although I got an A for Catholic when I was in Academy and an A score for Islam in University, sorry masbro, maybe I was born half angel ;p ...
In any Religion we do believe that God will give more wealth to those who get married, right..
Well, my opinion here is more likely based on my simple calculation, which everyone can do.. hahaha
Let say I have Rp1000 in my pocket, how will I spend it,
- 200 for saving
- 200 for meals
- 200 for daily purpose (i.e. transportation + charity)
- 200 for entertainment = hobby
- 200 for home & etc
With that 200, I could get 100 plates of good food, each gonna give me 600 calorie, something over than what a body needs, it might cause an obesity for me, then I must convert a part of the entertainment budget into gym, diet or slimming program. Sometime the instant slimming program are so expensive, and you need to reduce your saving part too.
If we have life partner, do you think we will double that 200 on meals? instead we have option to do the other way around,
Share that 100 plates you can buy in a month with your partner, means you decrease your calorie consumption, means you don't need diet or slimming program, while gym or sport budget may still exist to maintain your health.. which means preventing high cost of seeing doctor..
The transportation cost might be shared as well, and if you want to reduce your entertainment cost, you just need to let your partner do stupid thing, and laugh on it, don't worry next time is your turn :D... and the massage sessions for sure, eliminate your Spa budget..
My point is, do not make money as a sizing to determine your happiness, single or married, we shouldn't have headache coz money is something you can manage. Live your own life, be proud with yourself not with what you wear, let people respect you as who you are, you are not a brand ambassador (remember, the brand ambassador get paid, while you must pay). Single or married, if you could manage your costs, then you will be happy, if you expect to spend more then be ready to work harder :)
And I love this old words, its true..
Monday, September 29, 2014
Hukum Tabur Tuai
Tapi tentu akan lebih banyak hasil ladangnya jika ia menaburi sebanyak mungkin benih di ladangnya. Meskipun bisa jadi gagal panen karena hama dan sebab lainnya.
Hikmah Sepiring Nasi Goreng Kambing
Kalian juga tahu kan betapa parnonya aku dengan yg penyakit yg disebut pembunuh manusia modern itu, jantung, kanker, dll dsb itu?
Sehingga aku kekeuhhh cobain segala diet, olahraga, ina inu biar bisa sehat dan langsing..
Lalu apa yg terjadi ketika sepiring Nasi Goreng Kambing disodorkan padaku?
Suara-suara itu pun muncul di benakku..
Saat belum mulai menyendok..
#1 kalorinya berapa inii
#2 kolesterol! asam urat
#3 gorengan! ga sehat!
#4 kudu ikut kelas sepeda nih, kudu treadmill 1 jam nih
Ketika sudah mulai menyendok
#1 keasinan, kemanisan, ga ada rasanya
#2 kemahalan aahh, dagingnya dikit
#3 kayaknya dagingnya ga fresh nih
#4 enakan bikinan guaa
Tanpa sadar aku melakukan sesuatu yg kontradiktif dengan doaku sendiri.. supaya Allah menjadikan aku hamba yg senantiasa bersyukur atas pemberianNya..
bahwa tak semua hamba Allah bisa makan hari itu.. ada yg terlalu papa hingga tak mampu membeli makan, ada yg saraf lidahnya rusak hingga tak mampu mencecap rasa, ada yg terlalu lemah hingga tak mampu mengunyah, entah apa enaknya nasi goreng kambing kelas wahid jika disajikan via selang?
bahwa untuk mengolah sepiring nasi goreng kambing yg rasanya tidak sesuai lidah kita, sama effortnya dengan sepiring nasi goreng yg rasanya cocok dengan kita. mas/mbak koki pasti tidak bermaksud membuatnya tidak enak, atau keasinan/kemanisan tadi. mas/mbak koki juga tidak bermaksud membunuh kita dengan meramunya super enak atau tidak enak, super lengkap dengan banyak daging dan jeroan, atau dengan daging yg irit. kan aku juga suka masak, apa pernah aku bermaksud membunuh customerku saat membuat cake yg magteg, enggaaaaaaaaa.. no waaayyyyyy..
bahwa dibalik sepiring nasi goreng kambing itu, ada proses dan jerih payah banyak orang di balik layar yg harus kita hargai. yahh, persis seperti thread di media sosial beberapa hari lalu tentang kebiasaan orang Jerman menghabiskan makanan sebagai penghargaan kita untuk setiap tetes keringat dibalik penyajian sepiring makanan. nasi dari padi yg harus ditanam pak tani, di beri pupuk, disiram, dijaga dari hama, digiling, disosoh, diangkut ke kota, ditanak, lalu digoreng. emping dari pohon melinjo yg juga ditanam, dipanen, harus dibuka dari cangkangnya, digepuk, dijemur, dikemas, diangkut ke kota, digoreng. acar dari timun tomat cabe yang harus ditanam, dipanen, diangkut ke kota (kadang busuk di jalan jika jalanan pantura lagi ngadat), dipotong-2, diasamkan dengan cuka. piring tempat menyajikannya pun tidak sekonyong2 diterima dari langit, kecuali nanti banyak kiriman piring terbang dari alien yah, saat ini piring itu harus dibuat dan dicuci dengan resiko pecah.
Astagfirullahaladzim, mohon ampunanMu Ya Allah, betapa alpanya hambaMu ini dari kesyukuran atas nikmat yang Kau beri, betapa penuhnya kepala hamba dengan pikiran buruk, hingga alpa melihat keluasan KuasaMu..
bukan salah makanan itu aku tidak lagi langsing tetapi langsung, seharusnya pun aku bersyukur soal "langsung" karena kini ramai sekali teman-temanku menulis tentang pilkada "tak langsung", uppsss beda yah itu wkwkkwkw.. bukan salah makanan itu jika aku jadi ga sehat, bukan salah kokinya juga kalau terasa ga enak..
Ketika kita sudah meminta, maka lakukan bagian kita, Allah sudah memberi rejeki, maka bersyukur dan berprasangka baiklah atas nikmat yg diterima..
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Keep Fighting Till The End
Very inspiring video..
He didn't win the race..
He didn't conquer anyone..
He just keep fighting and giving his best..
While mostly people giving up even before taking the race..
Sometime we just need a brave heart and an aim to reach our dream..
Derek Redmond-You raise me up version:
Ibis Styles Hotel Benoa Bali
We had such a pleasant stay at Ibis Styles Benoa..
Yup, the decoration was pretty , the breakfast option were great, the room is spacious - clean and new, the pool is very nice, also the lights at pool when night comes were exotic..
Location is good, easy to find, accross to Holiday Inn Benoa. There is Circle K store, bigger one, at their right side, and some cheap local food around ..
And we really appreciate for small sticker showing Qibla direction, something simple but highly appreciated.. thanks Ibis Styles Benoa
Jangan Marah aaahhh ;)
Marah adalah pilihan cara terakhir untuk menyampaikan maksud..
Yeahh, you can pick any words or expression to get what you wish or to make people understand what you expect them to understand ..
Semaleman ga bisa tidur krn dapet kamar yg hadap jalan raya, mana ada anjing melolong terus di sebrang jalan, padahal lg flu butuh istirahat banget, akhirnya angkat telpon ke reception, instead of bentak2 eke pilih gaya memelas aja.. yg angkat mas2..
me: paakk heleepp, plizzz, tolong cariin saya kamar lain donk besok.. yg agak jauh dari jalan..
mas2: waduh bu kita lagi penuh
me: plizzzz paak, heleepp, masa sih bapak tega saya pulang dr sini jadi zombie krn 3 malem ga bisa tidur.. yah yaah
mas: *ketawa ngikik* aah ibu masa zombie, baik bu saya usahakan carikan, besok pagi saya titipkan ke teman saya
En pagi2 pas datang ke reception, mbak2 yg menyambut saya langsung senyum lebar sambil info kamar baru, smoga ibu bisa tidur nyenyak yaa jangan jadi zombie .. *ngikik lagi dia*
Marah bisa membuat urusan makin runyam disebelin orang, mending pake gaya melas plus sedikit gila, jadi besok ketemu lg masih bisa senyum2 en tawarin brosur hihihi
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
a video of Indonesia my Paradise
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Leaving Comfort Zone
I've read lots of stories, many people gain success when they leave their comfort zone, trying something new, quit from their job, struggling and start own business, and it becomes a big business. However, success is not always about money, whatever an 'additional' in you, make you better, make you stronger, anything suffix 'er' could be a success too, yeaa including weight gain hahaha.
Henceforth, if you think you need to try something new, dont wait until you are in a narrow place and it is more difficult to jump, this world offers so many things for you to know, keep learning, born again and you will stay young, though physically you are not, hahaha.
I am still an employee of Sinarmas Group now, and proud to be a part of it, but my dream to have my own business is keep flying, and it should be related with my hobby. Still dreaming of running a tour organizer again (i miss my EO, JelajahNusa) and having a lil cafe which serving my homemade cake and snacks. Recently, i just start joining Oriflame business, since it requires less investment, i use and love the products and lots of my friends make money from Oriflame. Who dares. Their products range are more vary now, and the quality keep improving, the fragrance are more 'trendy' and the business system are far better and fair. The downline who perform well can compete their upline, no more traumatic of the oldest member is the richer, like other MLM. Wanna join? Check me here
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
[Journey] 14 Days Trip Exploring Turkiye - Part 2
Day 4 : Pamukkale Tour
Instead of back to hotel, we preferred to walk round the Selcuk village, I love this place so much, small village, quiet, clean and nice people. We went to the train station, to watch a train just arrived from Izmir, takes photo of the ruins on its mini parks, the open air restaurants, and we decided to have an early dinner at Ejder Restaurant. The son owner’s greets us nicely and tempted us with his mom handmade foods offer which is recommended by many people in lonely planet. Okay, seems like we need to eat, and we love the atmosphere and we never guess it’s gonna be the sweetest moment we have in Selcuk. Here is my review about the Ejder resto in
“Yummy food served by heart”
Reviewed June 17, 2013
The food quality is excellent, the Mama cooked everything by heart, I tried iskender kebab and my friend tried adana kebab, and both are so delicious, we finish everything and left our plate empty. When we want to pay, they offer us a cup of Turkish tea at free, wow. The funny thing, even we have finished the tea and spend some time just sitting there, I could still imagine the taste of the meat she cooked. Something served by heart will stay longer, it's true. We traveled around Turkey for 14 days and never found something as good as the one at Ejder.